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Take the Earthpledge

The urgency of seeing our world come together in the 21st century is driven by the important task of avoiding the unfavorable transition outlined by the two most widely influential and recognized scenarios in the West concerning humanity's fate. The first is the Biblical paradigm. If this world view ends up shaping our destiny, 1/3 of our Earth must be destroyed in the climactic battle between good and evil. In this fatalistic paradigm, an apocalyptic nightmare must be experienced before humanity can unite as one family in the dream of peace and freedom.

Religious Future

And the anti-thesis of this hell before heaven finds expression in its secular cousin; the science fiction juggernaut of Star Trek. This story imagines one planet becoming indivisible after 600 million are destroyed in the fires of World War III. Although both the religious and secular scenarios end with a united human race governed in peace and prosperity, both of them have a horrendous transition period between now and then.

Secular Future

Let us work together and find a new paradigm for our future; one in which we revise the horrific means that inaugurate its peaceful ends. Rather than a meaningless existence with a horrific ending for millions of people, perhaps we can make a difference together and inspire a grass roots movement for world unification and peace. An accelerated transition into a united world would avoid the unnecessary suffering caused by an escalation of nuclear anarchy between nation states unbound by a global country. 

Better Future

A unified end state of human governance finds compelling models in the successful cooperation between America's states, the nations of the European Union and many other countries of the world who have held peace within their borders for extended periods of time.

In the U.S., war hasn't been waged within its borders for over a century. Citizens in California have never paid taxes to engage in a costly nuclear arms race with Montana and Alaska. Californians spend nothing to maintain a golden state military or to finance a war on terror against religious fanatics in Kentucky. Alliances with New York, New England and the other states are still strong considering that billions of dollars have been freed up on the west coast; they never had to engage in an unpopular and costly invasion of New Orleans to take out a brutal dictator feared to have weapons of mass destruction. The explosion of creativity, progress in science, technology and infrastructure in the United States over the last 100 years was made possible by its people being united and members of one national family.

United States Flag

Let us find common ground and build closer alliances for making plans of a brighter future as a united states of earth. Just as Americans owe their prosperity and freedom to the founding fathers and mothers, who responded to the call of a great nation whose destiny they anticipated; future generations of our coming one world, are waiting on us to become vehicles of its fruition.

Become a world citizen and help spread an idea whose time has come.


I pledge allegiance to the Earth and to life that it sustains.

One planet, in our care, indivisible with enough sustenance for the needs of all.

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